On Friday, November 26, it's that time again: sonoro is celebrating Happy Friday. Instead of relying on discounts, as many companies do on Black Friday, sonoro is taking a different approach this year and donating ten percent of the profits made on this day in the online store at sonoro.com to two organizations: Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. and Sterntaler Düsseldorf e.V..
Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. is an association in Neuss, sonoro's home town, which offers women and girls aged 16 and over information and therapeutic advice on various topics, issues, crises and conflicts - anonymously, free of charge and always confidentially if desired. Whether grief, separation, domestic violence, sexual abuse, eating disorders, stalking, anxiety, professional problems or relationship advice: Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. provides support for all these and other issues. What makes it special: Women look after women here. Psychologists, social pedagogues and social workers are the people to contact in difficult times and help women find their way back into life. More information: https://www.fbst-ne.de/.
Sterntaler Düsseldorf e.V. collects donations and supports projects for needy babies, children and young people in Düsseldorf. In most cases, the aid is directed at institutions, social facilities or support associations. In particularly urgent cases, those affected are supported directly. Among other things, riding therapy is supported for children with behavioral problems who are being reintroduced to a regular school routine at the Joseph Beuys School in Neuss. More information: https://sterntaler-duesseldorf.de/.
"We are delighted to be able to support associations in our area again this year with the Happy Friday campaign. With the donation to the Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer 2020, we and our customers have made it possible for many children cared for by the SKM to have a wonderful Christmas. We hope that this year, too, attention will be drawn to the people who help others in emergency situations and do good every day," says Marcell Faller, founder and Managing Director of sonoro audio GmbH.